
Welcome to EYEQ

Leila Karimi

About the Author

Leila Karimi, Founder, Author

Leila Karimi, a visionary advocate for creativity and educational innovation, embarked on a transformative journey that led to the inception of EYEQ and the creation of the acclaimed FUNLOGIC series.

Motivated by a passion for transforming educational tools, Leila dedicated herself to advancing her knowledge in educational technology at the International Islamic University of Malaysia, ultimately attaining a doctoral degree. Although she temporarily interrupted her academic endeavors to prioritize her maternal duties, Leila’s steadfast resolve and dedication to her daughter Liana inspired her venture into the realms of publishing and design.

Driven by a fervent commitment to her child’s holistic development, Leila delved into the world of books and design. Her initial success included the creation and successful marketing of a collection of nine books tailored for children aged 5-8, covering subjects such as Mathematics, Logic, English, and Thinking skills. The impressive outcome resulted in the sale of 40,000 copies.

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